Thursday, May 31, 2012


May 30th
I'm in! I'm officially an enrolled student at salt lake community college, what a challenge

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tour de wasatch front

May 28th
Rode our bikes to Jess and Adam's for a swim, it was a great memorial day

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mirror, mirror

May 25th
Found this on the bathroom mirror this morning.


May 24th
I finally finished lost, it only took me a year. The ending is supremely awful.
Save yourself time, stress, and brain power, don't watch it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


May 23rd
Heard of a new fishing spot and went to check it out. could not catch one fish. What are we doing wrong?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yard workin

May 22nd
Helped mom in the yard today, Zoey was supervising, she's basically a mountain goat.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Kal at CAL

May 21st
Today we went to CAL ranch to get our fishing licenses and met a swell guy named kal. He helped us with our licensure and taught us to tie knots.

Total eclipse of the sun

May 20th
What we saw of the eclipse, pretty impressive eh?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012


May 17th
Hit the jackpot at boondocks, the most exciting thing to ever happen to us

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bike seat

May 16th
wandered around biker's edge today and found "the bike seat for the American  fat...butt" as Jonny put it


May 15th
Waited in the pharmacy line for like 15 minutes listening to this old guy argue with the pharmacist. People are dumb.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lost a Swamper

May 14th
Today the Atchafalaya Basin lost one of its loyal swampers.
Mitchell Guist died today while on the swamp, we'll sure miss him. I hope there's Alligator Gar in heaven.

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in
And I would have liked to have known you 
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did

Sunday, May 13, 2012


May 13th
Dad sitting on the books grandma needs to see the computer, we find humor in it.

Oh, Brother Where Art Thou

May 12th
Watched one of our faves:

"All my sins and transmissions have been warshed away. Come on in fellas, the water is fine.

Friday, May 11, 2012

What? You're supposed to wash your car?

May 11th
Washed the booger for the very first time today, I think I set an all time record

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Icky Sicky

May 8- 10th
I have done nothing these last three days, but my white blood cells have been working their tails off.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Goofy Movie

May 6th
brought back a classic


May 5th
some of the things Matt Harpring says during those jazz games, cracks us up

"good or bad he makes things happen"
"shooting is critcal in the NBA"
"you're starting to see the boos"
"Bull in the Kanter shop"
"Until there's a double team, its gonna be 1 on 1 tonight"
"next thing you know youre 0 for 2, then 0 for 3, then your mental mind starts kicking in"

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

You Tube-ing

May 3rd
Spent a substantial amount of time on you tube today, found some pretty crazy stuff.